As long as you have the patience to wait a few extra seconds (or more) for streaming YouTube videos to buffer and Instagram feeds to refresh, you can save some money with a Simple Mobile unlimited plan. Having no contract means you can bounce over to another provider whenever you want. You never know when a big wireless provider might run some outrageous deal that you need to hop on. You get what you pay for with Simple Mobile, and in this case, the cheap data price comes with a catch: data speeds slowing down. Simple Mobile isn’t the best unlimited plan for folks who plan on using a lot of data. Before you get too excited, remember that your data will most likely be slower with Simple Mobile. Sorry to be a Debbie Downer, but hey, $65 a month for a family plan with unlimited data is still a killer deal, even with the slower data. Your teen can go buck-wild on data and you won’t ever have to spend an extra penny. But that doesn’t mean Simple Mobile has the exact same coverage as T-Mobile. If you look at its coverage map, Simple Mobile’s coverage is pretty patchy. Simple Mobile users will be deprioritized over T-Mobile users, which means your coverage and speeds may be less reliable. You’ll probably be fine in most metro areas, but you definitely can’t head out of town for a camping trip and still expect good service and speeds. Simple Mobile also offers unlimited international talk, but for only 60 countries. If you want to call your dad in Mexico, you’ll still have to pay roaming charges. But you can get an international add-on plan for $10 per month if you know in advance you’ll be making a lot of international calls. With the international add-on plan, your balance rolls over every month, which is nice. You’re still paying for international calls, though—you’re just giving yourself $10 per month to do it.
Plans: All of Simple Mobile plans include unlimited data, but the main difference is your data cap. The more you pay for your plan, the more high-speed data you get every month. Coverage: Simple Mobile uses T-Mobile’s wireless network, but its coverage will probably work well only in metro areas or major cities. Overall: If you want cheap unlimited data with a reasonably reliable network, Simple Mobile makes a lot of sense.
Are you thinking of making the switch to Simple Mobile prepaid wireless? Tell us about your experience, and let us know if we missed anything in this Simple Mobile review.